Professional Learning
From Pioneer Valley Books
Professional Learning: Getting Started with Literacy Footprints
Getting Started with Literacy Footprints Systems is a professional learning series designed to help participants understand the what, why, and how-to of teaching reading using Literacy Footprints systems.
Literacy Footprints systems are designed to support classroom, intervention, English language learning (ELL), and special education teachers in delivering high-quality, research-based reading instruction. Each session will highlight the stages of guided reading within each kit. Additional follow-up options include modeling lessons and/or coaching your teachers during their implementation of the lessons.

1. Getting Started with Literacy Footprints: Kindergarten–Second Grade Kits (Target Audience: K–2 Teachers and Interventionists)
Beginning readers need to build a solid repertoire of foundational skills and develop a strong processing system. This session focuses on teaching Beginner Steps, Emergent, Early, and Transitional readers using Literacy Footprints materials. Each framework follows a three-pronged approach integrating reading, word study, and writing skills and strategies, all aligned with the literacy continuum. Following explicit demonstration of each integral part, participants will engage in active participation and coaching, leaving confident and ready to teach small-group guided reading lessons. Half- or full-day options available.

2. Getting Started with Literacy Footprints: Third Grade–Fifth/Sixth Grade Kits (Target Audience: 3–5/6 Teachers and Interventionists)
Transitional and Fluent readers need to develop more complex reading skills and vocabulary. This session focuses on teaching Transitional and Fluent readers using Literacy Footprints materials. Each framework follows a three-pronged approach integrating reading, word study, and writing skills and strategies, all aligned with the literacy continuum. Following explicit demonstration of each integral part, participants will engage in active participation and coaching, leaving confident and ready to teach small-group guided reading lessons. Half- or full-day options available.

3. Getting Started with Literacy Footprints: Intervention Partner Lessons (Target Audience: K–2 Teachers and Interventionists)
The goal of the Literacy Footprints Intervention Partner Kit is to accelerate the progress of students who are not meeting grade-level expectations in literacy. Each framework follows a three-pronged approach integrating reading, word study, and writing skills and strategies, all aligned with the literacy continuum. In this session, teachers will learn ways to improve students’ foundational skills, strategic processing, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency using the Literacy Footprints Intervention Partner materials. Participants will also learn how to work in partnership with classroom teachers to connect instruction in a way that will help struggling readers consolidate new learning. Half- or full-day options available.

4. Getting Started with Literacy Footprints: Assessing Students for Guided Reading Using the Literacy Footprints Guided Reading Assessment (Target Audience: K–2 and 3–5/6 Teachers and Interventionists)
Assessing a reader’s instructional level is the linchpin for teaching successful guided reading lessons. Now more than ever, we need targeted reading instruction that is laser-focused on a reader’s strengths to build on their instructional needs. The Literacy Footprints Guided Reading Assessment framework is a three-pronged approach that matches the lesson framework, assessing reading, word study, and writing. In this session, participants will learn how to assess students and analyze the results to make data-driven instructional decisions and more accurately differentiate their guided reading lessons. Half- or full-day options available.

5. Getting Started with Interactive Read-Aloud: Whole-Group Read-Aloud Lessons (Target Audience: K–2 and 3–5/6 Teachers)
Interactive Read-Aloud is a powerful instructional tool for introducing students to comprehension focuses while simultaneously engaging students in the joyful experience of listening to books read aloud. In this session, participants will become familiar with the stories, learn how to teach and scaffold the comprehension focus, explore the lesson framework, and become familiar with the steps and procedures of lesson delivery. Half- or full-day options available.